904-644-8438 [email protected]


Tax Resolution Services

Enrolled Agents Help with IRS and State Tax Debt

You don’t have to be a lawyer to understand Tax Law

Enrolled Agents are tax experts and are credentialed by the IRS.

The IRS hires experts, and so should you

If you have a balance due with the IRS or State, that balance will continue to accrue interest until it is paid off. Contact us for a free consultation about your tax debt.

Can’t pay off your tax debt? Don’t believe your balance is accurate?

If you can’t pay off your tax debt or want to dispute the balance due, now is when you should contact Tax Rescue Service. We will connect you with an IRS tax specialist to advise you on a tax debt solution that will work for your personal financial situation and set up a tax resolution for you.

Tax Debt Solution Services You Can Count On

IRS and State Tax Resolution Services

Tax Audit Support

A tax audit indicates your taxes will now be manually reviewed with a “fine-toothed comb” by an auditor.

Audit Reconsideration

If you’ve had an audit, and received a “Notice of Deficiency” in the mail, this means the IRS needs even more information before making a determination.

An Enrolled Agent can help you by legally acting on your behalf, ensuring the proper documentation is submitted which helps to finalize your IRS audit. Schedule an appointment with an Enrolled Agent today.

Tax Lien

You may be wondering, “how long does a lien last?”

If the IRS or a State puts a lien against anything in your name, you won’t be able to get a loan or sell anything of value unless you pay the balance of the tax lien first or with the profits from whatever you sell.

An Enrolled Agent can research your particular situation and advise you on how to proceed, and represent you in front of the IRS or State tax department. Schedule a free consultation appointment.

Tax Levy

We’ve heard questions such as “can the IRS freeze a joint bank account?” and “can the IRS levy a business account for personal taxes?” If you are facing or already have an IRS bank levy, time is of the essence.

The IRS can and will seize any bank account with your name on it; it’s easy for them. How to stop a tax levy is the tricky part.

If you have neglected your tax debt long enough to where the IRS or State sends you a “Notice of Intent to Levy”, the time to contact an Enrolled Agent is NOW. Schedule an appointment today so we can get started on the release of levy of your accounts.

Property Seizure

Can the IRS take your car? If the IRS or State is writing you notice of “Intent to Seize Your Property or Rights to Property” this means they intend to take your home, vehicles, or any other property of any value and sell it to pay your tax debt.

Don’t wait until you get a letter stating “Notice of Levy”. We can help you, but you need to contact us NOW. Schedule a free consultative appointment today.

Employment Tax Debt

As an employer, you are responsible for paying payroll taxes. If you owe back payroll taxes, your balance may not actually be what the IRS or State is saying you owe.

An Enrolled Agent will conduct research and help you reduce or possibly eliminate your employment tax debt by representing you in front of the IRS or State. Schedule a free consultation.

Innocent Spouse

Don’t let your spouse’s tax problems become your tax problems. If you filed Married Filing Joint in the past, and now you both have a huge tax bill, contact us for a free consultation.

An Enrolled Agent can represent you and help you find relief as an “Injured Spouse” so your significant other is responsible for their own tax bill. Schedule an appointment.

Fresh Start Program

The Fresh Start Program is the IRS’s version of a settlement on a debt. Also known as an “Offer in Compromise” and is considered a financial-based tax debt resolution.

An Enrolled Agent can research your tax debt, let you know of your options, and legally act on your behalf with the IRS and State. Check out a few of our offer in compromise success stories.

Schedule a free consultation now.

Installment Agreement

An Installment Agreement is the IRS’ version of a payment plan. It is considered a time-based resolution for tax debt.

An Enrolled Agent can research your tax debt and will advise you on your options, as well as represent you before the IRS. Schedule an appointment.

Delinquent Tax Returns

If you got a letter in the mail about “Past Due Tax Returns” or “Delinquent Tax Returns”, this means they didn’t get a tax return for a particular year that you had income.

An Enrolled Agent and her team can help you by preparing and filing any outstanding tax returns, making you compliant with the IRS and State(s). Schedule an appointment.

Information Requests

If you got a letter in the mail indicating the IRS “received your tax return and are verifying its accuracy”, this means they saw a red flag on your return and need you to explain.

An Enrolled Agent can help by representing you in front of the IRS, ensuring they get what they need without you ever having to interact with them. Schedule a free consultation appointment.

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